
Business Automation

Make your business more efficient and bring costs down with technology

Make your IT work for you

Save Money

Save Time

Like magic!

Services Automation

Are you duplicating work?

Using state of the art software and cloud functionalities, we can automate your business processes to speed up your workflow. This makes your business more efficient, saving both time and money. What's more, mistakes are reduced through automation by removing human error and duplication issues.

How can A1 help?

There are numerous ways we have solved business problems, from simple system changes that can be introduced instantly such as group email flows to centrally store attachments to mapping automated processes in eCommerce and shipping

  • eCommerce – When an order is received, instantly book a courier, print the label and a packing slip leaving you to only pack the order
  • Filing – Find you receive a lot of email attachments? Introduce a flow so all documents received are automatically stored down on to your server in relevant folders
  • Mailing Lists – Sick of duplicating entries into both a CRM, email address book and a marketing list? Use a flow so if a new contact is created in your CRM, automatically add them to you email marketing channels and address books

And so much more

Business Automation

Let’s Get in Touch


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