4G/5G Backup Lines

Because any loss of connectivity is a disaster for business
4G/5G Backup Lines

Keeping your business running during an outage


4G or 5G wireless connectivity kicks in automatically.


Long-lasting backup is available up to 8 hours.


Retain your internet connectivity like it was wired broadband.
5G Backup Lines

What is a 4G/5G failover?

In failover mode, the 4G connection remains idle until it is needed for an automated failover of the primary circuit so that your mobile data is not wasted, programmed to act as a failover if your bandwidth goes down for any reason. During normal, uninterrupted use of the main connection it only waits; providing no connectivity.

Once the primary connection fails, the modem kicks in and temporarily provides broadband connectivity until the problem with the primary connection is resolved.

Why use an A1 failover?

One of the main goals of any failover service is to provide constant bandwidth during the outage, and 4g/5g is a far superior wireless alternative to WiFi and satellite due to its low latency and blazing fast speeds

  • Automatic – 4G/5G wireless connectivity kicks in automatically.
  • Reliable –  A long-lasting backup is available for your business
  • Simple – Easily configured to your existing network
  • Includes Cellular router – for auto-failover and fallback
  • External antenna – extends reach for quality cellular coverage
Wifi Router

Want redundancy in your internet?

Use our solutions to secure your business's internet lifeline.

Key Benefits

Here are some benefits of 4G/5G Failovers:

Retain Connectivity

Internet outages are a disaster for any business. Keep your computers, servers and phones live


superior wireless alternative to WiFi and satellite due to its low latency and blazing fast speeds.

Simple installation

No downtime and compatible with nearly all existing networks.

Telephony Continuation

With the ISDN switchoff, your phones are run from the internet. Our solution will keep your phones (and sales) running


With no manual intervention, your broadband will seamlessly switch.

Cost Effective

No employee idle time during a wired outage and low monthly cost.

Reduce Idle Time

As the infrastructure of SMEs is increasingly migrating to a cloud-based environment, almost all SMEs have an even greater need for Internet connectivity than they did a few years ago. And without this, many employees simply cannot do their jobs. The ubiquity of 4G/5G networks has helped strengthen cellular networks across the country and this is currently a very inexpensive and minimally intrusive medium, to create redundancy in an SME in the shortest possible time. In conjunction with a powerful wireless network, 4G backup only makes sense for SMBs who take their productivity seriously.

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